copyGridBndryUpdater (1d, 2d, 3d)

Copies the data on the inside edge of the domain into the ghost cells for the given boundaries. Works on structured meshes.


  • onGrid (required)

    The grid this updater is applied on

  • model (required)

    Defines the hyperEqn to use, this should generally be eulerEqn.

String Inputs

  • edge (required)

    Defines the edge that the function will be applied to. There are two option edge=lower, edge=upper. edge=lower means the function will be applied to the lower edge in direction ‘dir’. edge=upper means the edge will be applied to the upper edge in direction ‘dir’.

Integer/Boolean Inputs

  • dir (required)

    Defines the direction to apply the boundary 0 -> x, 1 -> y, 2 -> z for structured meshes

  • firstIndex (required)

    Indicates the first index in the nodalArray where the Euler primary variables are stored. If there is only one system in then this should generally be set to 0. For the two-fluid system the boundary could be applied to the ions as well as the electrons. If the ion primary variables are stored after the electron primary variables and you are interested in applying to the wall boundary to the ions then firstIndex = 5 would apply to the second fluid system since there are 5 primary variables in the euler equations.


  • out

    The nodalArray where the boundary conditions will be applied.


Code block

<Updater bcLeft>
  kind = bcEulerWall2d
  model = eulerEqn
  onGrid = domain
  firstIndex = 0
  out = [qnew]
  dir = 0
  edge = lower