The implicitMultiUpdater provides Jacobian Free Newton-Krylov methods with a range of non-linear and linear solvers and preconditioning strategies for solving elliptic or implicit hyperbolic problems. The implicitMultiUpdater casts these problems in residual form:
This formulation can then be used to solve linear problems, such as Poisson’s equation:
or, non linear problems such as a backward Euler discretization of a non-linear hyperbolic equation:
The operations performed by the implictMultiUpdater are specified using the UpdateStep and UpdateSequence pattern used for the main USim input file. Note that only the loop attribute for the UpdateSequence is used by the implicitMultiUpdater. If the implictMultiUpdater is being used to solve a system that includes a time discretization (e.g. the backward Euler example above), then the attribute “operation = integrate” must be specified in the final UpdateStep in the loop in order for USim to perform the time integration. The UpdateStep attribute “operation = operate” is not compatible with the implicitMultiUpdater.
The time integration scheme used by the multiUpdater is specified by the use of a Time Integrator block.
Preconditioning of the implictMultiUpdater can be specified by the addition of a Preconditioner block. one preconditioner can be specified.
(string vector, required)The implicitMultiUpdater accepts exactly one input variable:
Vector of Unknowns
(nodalArray, n-components, required)
The vector of unknowns, \(\mathbf{q}\) at time \(t^{n}\). Must have the attribute
useEpetraVector = true defined in the associated
dataStruct block.
(string vector, required)The implicitMultiUpdater accepts exactly one output variable:
Vector of Unknowns
(nodalArray, n-components, required)
The vector of unknowns, \(\mathbf{q}\) at time \(t^{n+1}\). Must have the attribute
useEpetraVector = true defined in the associated dataStruct block and have the same number of components as the input vector of unknows.
(string vector, optional)solverPerf
(string vector, optional)A string vector that specifies exactly one dynVector with 6 componets to store the solver performance. Data is appended to this data structure at each Newton iteration. The components correspond to:
The implicitMultiUpdater updater accepts the parameters below, in addition to those required by Updater:
(integer, required)maxLinearIterations
(integer, required)numItersToStagnation
(integer, optional)linearTolerance
(float, required)relativeResidual
(float, optional)absoluteResidual
(float, optional)stagnationThreshold
(float, optional)convergenceTest
(string vector, optional)List of convergence tests to determine when the outer Newton solve is converged. Options include:
The outer Newton problem converges when \(\mathrm{currentResidual} \le \mathrm{relativeResidual} \times \mathrm{initialResidual}\).
The outer Newton problem converges when \(\mathrm{currentResidual} \le \mathrm{absoluteResidual}\)
The outer Newton problem converges when the norm of the change in the solution vector falls below 1.0e-3.
The outer Newton problem converges when the weighted root mean square norm fo the solution update satisfies\[\notag \begin{align}\sqrt{ \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N \left( \frac {(q^k_i-q^{k-1}_i)}{ 10^{-2} |q^{k-1}_i| + 10^{-8}} \right) ^2 } \le 1.0 \end{align}\]
Causes the Newton solve to exit if NaN is encountered.
Causes the Newton solve to exit if \(\mathrm{currentResidual} > \mathrm{stagnationThreshold} \times \mathrm{previousResidual}\) for numItersToStagnation iterations.
The code block below demonstrates the implicitMultiUpdater for solving a three-dimensional Poisson problem using an algebraic multigrid preconditioner:
<Updater computeValues>
kind = implicitMultiUpdater3d
onGrid = domain
in = [phi]
out = [phiNew]
residual = [f]
solverPerf = [solverPerformance]
maxNonlinearIterations = 4
nonlinearTolerance = 1.e-12
maxLinearIterations = 128
linearTolerance = 1.e-14
computePreconditioningMatrix = 1
preconditioner = ML
newtonForceMethod = Constant
stencilUpdater = [computeNablaPhi]
writePreconditioningMatrixToFile = 0
<TimeIntegrator implicitUpdater>
kind = implicit3d
ongrid = domain
scheme = none
<Preconditioner myPreconditioner>
# None/ML/AztecOO/Ifpack/New Ifpack
# if 0, use a FD preconditioner
computePreconditioningMatrix = 1
# write out the preconditioning matrix at startup
writePreconditioningMatrixToFile = 0
# maximum age of preconditioner in outer Newton steps (needs a better name)
linearMaxPrecAge = 10
# rebuild, reuse or recompute preconditioner (needs a better name)
linearReusePolicy = Reuse
mlStrategy=classicSA # SA/DD
stencilUpdater = [computeNablaPhi]
testPreconditioner = false
#mlSmoother = BSGS-A
# Block to allow arbitray parameters to be passed to the preconditioner XML list
#<ParameterList ml>
# increasing or decreasing = "increasing"
<UpdateSequence sequence>
loop = [boundaries,hyper]
<UpdateStep hyper>
updaters = [computeNablaPhi,poisson,copyBc]
syncVars = [phiNew]
<UpdateStep boundaries>
updaters = [dirchletBc]
syncVars = [phi]
The code block demonstrates the implicitMultiUpdater for solving a 2 or 3 dimensional compressible flow problem:
<Updater computeValues>
kind = implicitMultiUpdater$NDIM$d
onGrid = domain
inpIndices = [0]
in = [q]
out = [qNew]
residual = [f]
solverPerf = [solverPerformance]
maxNonlinearIterations = 100
nonlinearTolerance = 1.e-6
maxLinearIterations = 128
linearTolerance = 1.e-4
preconditioner = ML
#aztecPreconditioner = ilut
stencilUpdater = [hyper]
newtonForceMethod = Constant
computePreconditioningMatrix = 0
<TimeIntegrator implicitUpdater>
kind = implicit$NDIM$d
ongrid = domain
scheme = theta
theta = 0.5 #Crank-Nicholson
noInitialGuess = true
<Preconditioner myPreconditioner>
# None/ML/AztecOO/Ifpack/New Ifpack
# if 0, use a FD preconditioner
computePreconditioningMatrix = 1
# write out the preconditioning matrix at startup
writePreconditioningMatrixToFile = 0
testPreconditioner = false
# maximum age of preconditioner in outer Newton steps (needs a better name)
linearMaxPrecAge = 10
# rebuild, reuse or recompute preconditioner (needs a better name)
linearReusePolicy = Reuse
mlStrategy=DD # SA/DD
#mlSmoother="symmetric Gauss Seidel"
stencilUpdater = [hyper]
mlSmoother = BSGS-E
# Block to allow arbitray parameters to be passed into the preconditioner XML list
#<ParameterList ml>
# increasing or decreasing = "increasing"
<UpdateSequence sequence>
loop = [boundaries,hyper]
<UpdateStep hyper>
operation = "integrate"
updaters = [hyper,periodicFlux,copyQnewToFlux]
syncVars = [qNew]
<UpdateStep boundaries>
updaters = [periodicQ]
syncVars = [q]