Depending on the value of coeff
, the transportCoeffSrc
kind of Equation
can have different outcomes.
coeff =
Average relaxtion time for vibration-translation mode of energy of species “l” in a gas mixture
\(x_{m}\) mole fraction of species m
\(\tau_{l,m}\) relaxation time of vibration-translation energy between specis l and m
\(\theta_{v,l}\) characteristic temperature of vibration of species l (parameter thetaS
\(M_{m}\) molecular weight of species m (parameter molecularWeight
\(T\) translational temperature
\(P\) pressure of gas
(string vector, required)1st In Variable
average temperature of the species \(T\)
2nd In Variable
pressure of gas \(P\)
3rd In Variable
number density of the species \(n\)
(string vector, required)<Equation vTrelaxationTime>
kind = transportCoeffSrc
coeff = millikanWhiteParkVibTransRelaxationTime
numSpecies = 7
molecularWeight = [M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7]
thetaS = [th1 th2 th3 th4 th5 th6 th7]
function = millikanWhiteParkVibTransRelaxationTime
Average relaxtion time for vibration-traslation mode of energy of a gas mixture
\(x_{l}\) mole fraction of species l
\(\tau_{l}\) relaxtion time for vibration-translation mode of energy of species “l” in a gas mixture as calculated in coeff millikanWhiteParkVibTransRelaxationTime
(string vector, required)1st In Variable
average temperature of the species \(T\)
2nd In Variable
pressure of gas \(P\)
3rd In Variable
number density of the species \(n\)
(string vector, required)<Equation vTrelaxationTime>
kind = transportCoeffSrc
coeff = mWpAverageVtRelaxationTime
numSpecies = 7
molecularWeight = [M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7]
thetaS = [th1 th2 th3 th4 th5 th6 th7]
function = mWpAverageVtRelaxationTime
Average mass diffusion coefficient of species “l” in a gas mixture
\(x_{m}\) mole fraction of species m
\(M_{m}\) molecular weight of species m
\(T\) translational temperature
\(P\) pressure of gas
\(\sigma_{l,m}\) collision diameter between species l and m
(string vector, required)1st In Variable
average temperature of the species \(T\)
2nd In Variable
pressure of gas \(P\)
3rd In Variable
number density of the species \(n\)
(string vector, required)<Equation diffusionCoeff>
kind = transportCoeffSrc
coeff = binaryDiffusionCoeff
numSpecies = 7
molecularWeight = [M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7]
molecularDia = [d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7]
function = binaryDiffusionCoeff
Total energy of formation of a mixture
(string vector, required)1st In Variable
number densities of the species \(1/m^{3}\)
2nd In Variable
specific heat at constant pressure of the species \(J/(kg K)\)
3rd In Variable
average temperature of the species \(K\)
(string vector, required)<Updater computeChemEn>
kind = equation2d
onGrid = domain
in = [speciesDens,cpR,temperature]
out = [chemEn]
<Equation cp>
kind = transportCoeffSrc
coeff = chemicalEnergy
numSpecies = NSPECIES
Specific heat at constant pressure
(string vector, required)1st In Variable
average temperature of the species \(K\)
(string vector, required)<Updater computeCpR>
kind = equation2d
onGrid = domain
in = [temperature]
out = [cpR]
<Equation cpR>
kind = transportCoeffSrc
coeff = tempAvgSpecicHeatCp
cpType = kineticTheory
numSpecies = NSPECIES
#lower = 300.0
#upper = 30000.0
#steps = 100
Average molecular weight of species
(string vector, required)1st In Variable
species number density \(1/m^3\)
(string vector, required)<Updater computeMwAvg>
kind = equation2d
onGrid = domain
in = [speciesDens]
out = [mwAvg]
<Equation mwavg>
kind = transportCoeffSrc
coeff = molecularWeightAvg
numSpecies = NSPECIES