Plasma Discharge Simulations With VSim
VSimPlasma is a versatile and powerful Particle-In-Cell (PIC) software application specifically optimized for plasma discharge simulation. VSimPlasma explicitly tracks kinetic particle species in arbitrary-pressure background gasses, including the effects of elastic, excitation, and ionization collisions between electrons, ions, and neutral particles.
Using Tech-X’s proprietary cut-cell algorithms, combined with VSim’s unique approach of using both FDTD and PIC methods, VSim quickly and accurately models complex particle dynamics in multiple dimensionalities. Powerful post-processing capabilities allow for robust analysis, and since VSim was designed to run in parallel, it easily installs on high-performance computing systems. Originally created by Tech-X scientists, who continue to be leading contributors to the fields of plasma and computational physics, VSimPlasma is the most comprehensive solution for plasma discharge simulation.
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