Tech-X Corporation Class Program
Tech-X Corporation's Class Program provides a teaching professor the opportunity to pass along valuable computational skills to students by utilizing VSim to help teach the fundamentals of physics.
How does it work?
With the Class Program, the teaching professor must purchase or hold a currently valid license for a minimum of 4 cores for 1 or more VSim packages for the duration of the particular course in which VSim will be used. At the beginning of the course, each student in the class will receive a free 4-core license for the same package(s) as licensed by the course’s professor. Each free student license will be in effect for 6 months from the start date of the course.
What is required?
For students in the class to receive the software, Tech-X requires from the professor a list containing each student’s:
- Full name
- University or institution email address
- Operating system (OS) name
- System MAC address
How will I receive the software?
All Tech-X software is delivered by means of a digital download. The teaching professor will receive the software upon invoicing. At the start of the course, on the Tech-X website, an account will be established for each student from which the student can download his or her copy of software. The student will be able to access this account for 6 months from course start to stay up to date with any new minor software releases. A MAC address-based license will be issued to each student.
What do I get?
Depending on the package(s) licensed (Basic Simulation, Electromagnetics, Plasma Discharges, Microwave Devices, or Plasma Acceleration), your software will have different features. For information about what each package includes, please visit the VSim web pages.
Contact us if you have questions or would like to register for the Tech-X Corporation Class Program.