VSim Examples¶
These are examples for illustrating the capabilities of VSim.
VSim [VSi] is an arbitrary dimensional, electromagnetics and plasma simulation code consisting of two major components:
VSimComposer, the graphical user interface.
Vorpal [NC04], the VSim Computational Engine.
VSim also includes many more items such as Python, MPI, data analyzers, and a set of input simplifying macros.
VSim for Basic Physics Examples¶
These examples demonstrate the basic solvers for simple, grid-aligned boundary conditions.
These examples can be run with any license.
Basic Examples¶
- Cylindrical Capacitor (cylindricalCapacitor.sdf)
- Oscillating Dipole Above Conducting Plane (emOscDipoleAboveConductor.sdf)
- Electromagnetic Plane Wave (emPlaneWave.sdf)
- Electromagnetic Particle in Cell (emPtclInCell.sdf)
- Vacuum Electromagnetic Pulse (emPulseInVacuum.sdf)
- Electrostatic Particle in Cell (esPtclInCell.sdf)
- Half-Wave Antenna (halfWaveAntenna.sdf)
- Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability (kelvinHelmholtz.sdf)
- Parallel Plate Capacitor (parPlateCapacitor.sdf)
- Two-Stream Instability (twoStream.sdf)
Basic Examples (text-based setup)¶
VSim for Electromagnetics Examples¶
These examples illustrate how to solve complex problems in electromagnetics.
These examples can be run with a VSimEM license.
- 2.4 GHz Yagi Uda Antenna (YagiUda2p4.sdf)
- Antenna Array 2D (antennaArray2D.sdf)
- Antenna on Human Hand with Dielectric (antennaOnHand.sdf)
- Loop Antenna from a Coaxial Cable (coaxialLoopAntenna.sdf)
- Dipole Antenna (dipoleAntenna.sdf)
- Dipole Above Conducting Plane (dipoleOnConductingPlane.sdf)
- Dish Antenna (dishAntenna.sdf)
- Half-Wave Dipole in Free Space (halfWaveDipoleAntenna.sdf)
- Horn Antenna (hornAntenna.sdf)
- Patch Antenna Far Field (patchAntennaFarField.sdf)
- Phased Array Antenna (phasedArrayAntenna.sdf)
- Antenna on Predator Drone (predatorDrone.sdf)
- Multimode Fiber Mode Calculation (multiModeFiberModeCalc.sdf)
- Multimode Fiber Mode Extraction (multiModeFiberModeExtract.sdf)
- Dielectric Waveguide with Gaussian Launcher (dielectricWaveguideGaussian.sdf)
- Dielectric Waveguide Mode Calculation (dielectricWaveguideModeCalc.sdf)
- Gaussian Laser Beam and Photonic Crystal Cavity (photonicCrystalGaussSrc.sdf)
- Dipole Source Illuminating a Photonic Crystal Cavity (photonicCrystalDipoleSrc.sdf)
- Metal Insulator Metal Waveguide using Drude and Lorentz Materials (drudeLorentzMIM.sdf)
- Microring Resonator with Mode Launcher (ringResonatorMode.sdf)
- Microring Resonator with Gaussian Launcher (ringResonatorGaussianMode.sdf)
- Y Splitter (ySplitter.sdf)
Photonics (text-based setup)¶
Scattering (text-based setup)¶
Other EM¶
Other EM (text-based setup)¶
VSim for Vacuum Electronics Examples¶
These examples illustrate how to solve complex problems in vacuum electronics.
These examples can be run with a VSimVE license.
Cavities and Waveguides¶
- Circular Metal Waveguide Dispersion (circMetalWaveguideDisp.sdf)
- Coaxial Cylinder (coax.sdf)
- Cylindrical Waveguide (cylindricalWaveguide.sdf)
- Pillbox Cavity (pillboxCavity.sdf)
- Rectangular Waveguide (rectangularWaveguide.sdf)
- Rectangular Metal Waveguide Dispersion (rectMetalWaveguideDisp.sdf)
- S-Matrix of Box Cavity (sMatrix.sdf)
Cavities and Waveguides (text-based setup)¶
Radiation Generation¶
- Smith-Purcell Radiation (SmithPurcellRadiation.sdf)
- A6 Magnetron 1: Modes (a6Magnetron1Modes.sdf)
- A6 Magnetron 2: Power (a6Magnetron2Power.sdf)
- Field Emitter Array (fieldEmitterArray.sdf)
- Gyrotron Mode (gyrotronMode.sdf)
- Helix Traveling Wave Tube 1: Dispersion (helixTwt1Dispersion.sdf)
- Helix Traveling Wave Tube 2: Impedance and Attenuation (helixTwt2ImpedAtten.sdf)
- Helix Traveling Wave Tube 3: Power Run (helixTwt3PowerRun.sdf)
- Klystron (klystron.sdf)
- 2D Magnetron (magnetron2D.sdf)
EmissionT (text-based setup)¶
VSim for Plasma Acceleration Examples¶
These examples illustrate how to solve complex problems in plasma acceleration.
These examples can be run with a VSimPA license.
Beam Driven¶
Beam Driven (text-based setup)¶
Laser Driven¶
Laser Driven (text-based setup)¶
VSim for Plasma Discharges Examples¶
These examples illustrate how to solve complex problems in plasma discharge modelling.
These examples can be run with a VSimPD license.