The Grid is the computational domain of the simulation. It can be 1D, 2D or 3D, and if working with a 2D electrostatic simulation, cylindrical coordinates are available in addition to cartesian.
Only objects that are inside of the grid will be simulated, those outside are ignored.
The grid can be uniformly discretized based on the number of cells specified for the respective axial direction. It can also be variably discretized based on the number of cells and the relative cell sizing at specific points in the respective axial direction.
- kind (not editable)
The kind of grid used
- xMin
For uniform cartesian grids, the domain extent in the negative x-direction.
- xMax
For uniform cartesian grids, the domain extent in the positive x-direction.
- yMin
For uniform cartesian grids, the domain extent in the negative y-direction.
- yMax
For uniform cartesian grids, the domain extent in the positive y-direction.
- zMin
For uniform cartesian and cylindrical grids, the domain extent in the negative z-direction.
- zMax
For uniform cartesian and cylindrical grids, the domain extent in the positive z-direction.
- rMin
For uniform cylindrical grids, the minimum domain extent in the r-direction.
- rMax
For uniform cylindrical grids, the maximum domain extent in the r-direction.
- xSectionBreaks
For variable cartesian grids, the points including the minimum and maximum domain extents in the x-direction at which the relative cell size is specified.
- xDeltaAtBreaks
For variable cartesian grids, the relative cell sizes at each break point along the domain extents in the x-direction.
- ySectionBreaks
For variable cartesian grids, the points including the minimum and maximum domain extents in the y-direction at which the relative cell size is specified.
- yDeltaAtBreaks
For variable cartesian grids, the relative cell sizes at each break point along the domain extents in the y-direction.
- zSectionBreaks
For variable cartesian and cylindrical grids, the points including the minimum and maximum domain extents in the z-direction at which the relative cell size is specified.
- zDeltaAtBreaks
For variable cartesian and cylindrical grids, the relative cell sizes at each break point along the domain extents in the z-direction.
- rSectionBreaks
For variable cylindrical grids, the points including the minimum and maximum domain extents in the r-direction at which the relative cell size is specified.
- rDeltaAtBreaks
For variable cylindrical grids, the relative cell sizes at each break point along the domain extents in the r-direction.
- xCells
For all cartesian grids, the number of cells in the x-direction.
- yCells
For all cartesian grids, the number of cells in the y-direction.
- zCells
For all cartesian and cylindrical grids, the number of cells in the z-direction.
- rCells
For all cylindrical grids, the number of cells in the r-direction.
The grid, or grid faces should never be deleted from the simulation. If they are it will be necessary to recreate the simulation file