VSimEM For Electromagnetic & Electrostatic Simulations
Looking for electromagnetic simulation software? VSimEM is an optimized FDTD solver used for simulating electromagnetic, and electrostatics in complex dielectric and metallic environments. Users of VSimEM can import existing CAD files or build their own unique geometries through the user interface, with numerous options for domain features and boundary conditions. In VSimEM, curved geometric structures are simulated by using second-order accurate algorithms, and advanced graphics capabilities display detailed field data for in-depth analysis.
VSimEM can be used for applications including phased array antenna systems, radar equipment, and photonics. With VSimEM, users can simulate high power antennas in plasma environments, or efficiently model propagation in photonic crystals and other optical devices. VSimEM is capable of running challenging problems at scale and designed to take advantage of any computing system due to parallel processing, making VSimEM the optimal solution for complex electromagnetics and electrostatics.
See how engineers and researchers are using VSimEm: VSimEM Publications

“At LANL, we have several modeling needs ranging from calculating far-field antenna patterns to the gain of dielectric traveling-wave tubes. These are complex problems and we were unable to set up accurate models with the previous numerical tools we were using. After seeing Tech-X’s result at a conference, we decided to try it. We have been very impressed with its broad capabilities, intuitive feel, and ease of use. It’s a great code and we anticipate using it for all of our future needs.”
Bruce Carlsten
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Explore Solutions
- 用于复杂模拟的FDTD代码
- 最快、最准确的远场计算
- 高性能计算能力
- 功能强大、用途广泛的后处理
- 与所有VSim模块无缝整合
- 能够模拟具有数十亿个网格的大型设备
- 金属和电介质的子像素算法
- 强大的文档和教程
- 卓越的客户支持

- CAD的可导入性
- Easy construction through the user interface
- 可定制的材料
- Lossless & Lossy
- 非线性
- 各向同性和非各向同性
- 二阶色散性的
- Frequency-Dependent Dielectrics
- 模式计算和发射
- 离散元件和面端口
- 平面波与椭圆偏振
- 散射计算的激发
- 波导端口
- 准确的金属墙面的嵌入式边界
- 端口边界: 输入和输出
- 周期性和相移性条件
- Dey-Mittra严密格网的切割网格算法
- PML和MAL的边界
- 用于快速和准确远场计算的独特基尔霍夫盒算法
- 辐射场计算
- S-参数包括单端、差动、去嵌入和重整化
- 使用频率提取法进行模式计算
- 电磁波能量吸收比值的计算
- 线性等离子体介质
- 易于参数化的几何图形,用于参数扫瞄和优化