

Works with VSimBase, VSimEM, VSimPD, VSimPA, and VSimMD licenses.

Indicates Vorpal should perform the diagnostic activity of tracking any grid fields (electric magnetic or charge plus current) along a line of cells that is parallel to one of the Cartesian axes. The fieldOnLine diagnostic dumps the global grid cells defining the line in the simulation domain. In 2D, fieldOnLine dumps X and Y. In 3D, fieldOnLine dumps X, Y, and Z. In Vorpal, a line of cells is specified as a volume in which only one of the dimensions can have multiple cells. The concept of a line of cells does not imply that all dumped components are located on a straight line.

fieldOnLine Parameters

fields (string vector, required)

Indicates the fields for a History kind that reports data. User can specify multiple fields, but must specify at least one field. If multiple fields are specified, the values of each component of all these fields are recorded.

lowerBoundsupperBounds (integer vector, required)

Defines physical cell indices parallel to one of the Cartesian axes. All components of the given fields are recorded along each grid cell of this line of cells. The values that are dumped for each component always correspond to the values computed by the field solver routine. For example, in an Electromagnetic simulation, this diagnostic will return the values defined by the Yee Cell.

fieldOnLine History Example

# Specify history diagnostics
<History SeveralFieldsOnLine>
    kind = fieldOnLine
    fields = [multiField.elecField SumRhoJ]
    lowerBounds = [0 2 3]
    upperBounds = [NX 3 4]