PEC objects in the simulation must be entirely inside of the simulation grid in order to ensure proper problem setup.
The most common cause of crashes is improperly set up particle boundaries. The particle boundaries must completely surround the space in which particles are loaded. Otherwise particles can drift out of the grid and try to reference fields that do not exist. This leads to a Vorpal segmentation fault.
Another possible reason for an electrostatic simulation not finishing properly is that a particle has crossed more than one cell in a time step. This could allow the particle to pass through a particle sink without being absorbed.
It could be that the definition of the Particle Species is incorrect.
The following Species input block is not defined correctly:
<Species electrons>
kind = nonRelBoris
emField = myZeroField
If the electrostatic solver does not converge, this often indicates a problem with the setup. The matrix can be singular in a fully periodic system due to the failure to specify the value of the potential at one point.