antennaArray2D, far field, radiation, s-parameters
This set of 2-D VSimEM simulations shows how to obtain the far fields, S11 parameter, gain, and phase shift of a one-element antenna as well as the far fields, gain, S parameters, and phase shift of a multiple-element antenna array with one excited element. These simulations can be used as a basis for measuring coupling in phased array antennas. The analyzer is set up to calculate the S parameter for the excited element and any other reference element defined by the constant S_PARAM_ELEM.
This simulation can be run with a VSimEM license.
The Antenna Array 2D example is accessed from within VSimComposer by the following actions:
The resulting Setup Window is shown Fig. 165.
The antennas are waveguide apertures excited with a frequency of 1 GHz and the aperture width is \(0.1\lambda\) (see the parameter GAP in the element tree). The distance beteen the gaps is \(0.4\lambda\).
A different array of geometries can be created using input parameters such as number of elements in the array (N_ELEM) and the distance between the elements in each direction. To recreate a different antenna array, expand Geometries, expand CSG, right-click on gap → Create Attay. In the Array Description window, select the “Union elements” checkbox, type in the number of elements to the value under N_ELEM, and the distance between elements to the value under DIST_ELEM. Then select the CSG “metal”, hold down Ctrl and select gapElemUnion located at the end of the gap array elements → Boolean Operation → select metal_gapElemUnion. Rename accordingly and assign the material PEC to the newly created geometry.
Once finished with the setup, continue as follows:
After the first run completes, proceed as follows:
If the grid properties change, these values will have to be adjusted.
The end of the second run is shown in Fig. 166.
After performing the above actions, the results can be visualized as follows:
The resulting visualization is shown in Fig. 167.
Figure Fig. 167 shows the near and far electric fields at the end of the simulation run. The dispersion of the electric field through the non-excited waveguides can also be seen.
You can now assign any name of your choice to the metalMinusgap geometry (e.g., aperture). Save and proceed to the Run tab. Follow the same run steps as described above in the section Running the Simulation.
Second viz is shown in Fig. 168.
For both the multiple-element and single-element antenna simulations, calibration runs are needed for the analyzer.
For the original multiple-element array setup, proceed as follows:
If your simulation has a different name, add the word Calibration before .sdf
You can now assign any name of your choice to the metalMinusgap geometry (e.g., myWaveguide).
The calibration number of steps must equal the total number of steps that the simulation ran for during the regular run.
Repeat the same steps for the single-element antenna simulation setup.
After performing the above actions, continue as follows:
Fig. 169 The S-paramters for the excited element as well as the reference element associated with the constant S_PARAM_ELEM in the simulation setup are shown at the end of the analyzer run.
The S-paramters for the excited element as well as the reference element associated with the constant S_PARAM_ELEM in the simulation setup are shown at the end of the analyzer run.
This analyzer creates a text file with 5 columns. The first column is the theta direction in degrees, the second column is the analytical gain of the ISOLATED excited element in dB, the third column is the gain measured by VSim in dB, the fourth column is the analytical phase of the ISOLATED excited element in degrees, and the fith column is the phase measured by VSim in degrees. The name of the text file is SIMULATIONNAME_gainAndPhaseData.txt.
For the default simulation settings (i.e., the center element of a 25-element array is excited while the other elements are turned off), plotting the second and third columns (analytical and measured gains) against the first column (as a function of theta) will give the results shown in Fig. 170.
Plotting the fourth and thith columns (analytical and measured field phases) against the first column (as a function of theta) will give the results shown in Fig. 171.
A different array of geometries can be created changing input parameters such as number of elements in the array (N_ELEM) and the distance between the elements in each direction (DIST_ELEM). After changing these Constants, to create a different antenna array, proceed as follows:
In the Array Description window, select the “Union elements” checkbox, type in the number of elements to the value under N_ELEM, and the distance between elements to the value under DIST_ELEM. Then select the CSG “metal”, hold down Ctrl and select gapElemUnion located at the end of the gap array elements → Boolean Operation → select metal_gapElemUnion. Rename accordingly and assign the material PEC to the newly created geometry.
Repeating the analysis steps for a 1-element antenna (N_ELEM = 1 in the simulation setup) will give the results shown in Fig. 172 and Fig. 173.
A different element can be excited by changing input parameter N_EXCITED_ELEM.
Repeating the analysis steps for a 25-element antenna with the edge element excited (N_EXCITED_ELEM = 25 in the simulation setup) will give the results shown in Fig. 174 and Fig. 175.