
STFunc Block

Many blocks in Vorpal can use space-time functions. These are normally contained within other classes that require time signals or spatial profiles, such as Initial and Boundary Conditions.

When using an STFunc block, place the function in its own STFunc block, specifying the function using the kind parameter as in the Example STFunc Block Usage.

Users can make use of kind = expression to write their own functions.

Descriptions of STFunc parameters are described on each STFunc kind page.

Example STFunc Block Usage

<FieldUpdater  currentSource_0>
  kind = setToSTFuncUpdater
  lowerBounds = [0 0 0]
  upperBounds = [10 20 30]
  component = 1 # J_x, rho is component 0
  writeFields = [SumRhoJ]

  <STFunc sourceFunc>
    kind = expression
    expression =  3.*exp(0.1*(t-10.)^2)*sin(3.14*t - 7.2*x)
