

This particle source normally emits electrons based on the user defined secondary electron yield (SEY) data. The number of secondaries will be determined based on the SEY data file given by the user. The determination of energy spectrum and angular distribution of these secondary electrons can be found in [FP02]. The secondary electrons can be in the same species as the incoming, or a separate species.

This particle source is available with a VSimMD or VSimPD license.

userDefinedSecElec Parameters

ptclAbsorber (string)

The name of the absorber that collects the impacting particles.

yieldDataFile (string)

Name of the SEY data file. The first line of the data file should be an integer number of the data points given in the file. The subsequent lines consist of two columns, the first contains the incident electron energy values (eV). The second column contains the corresponding SEY values. The actual yield is interpolated with weights determined by interpolations from the incident energy.

secondarySpecies (string)

Name of the emitted secondary electrons.

direction (double vector)

Direction vector should point along the outward-facing normal of the particle absorber.

material (string)

The material being impacted by the incident particles. If the incident particle is an electron the material choices are:

  • copper
  • stainless (stainless steel)

When the incident particle is an ion, the choices are:

  • hydrogen
  • helium
  • carbon
  • nitrogen
  • oxygen
  • sodium
  • aluminum
  • silicon
  • phosphorus
  • argon
  • iron
  • nickel
  • copper
  • silver
  • gold
  • uranium
  • air
  • water
  • stainless (stainless steel)

Example userDefinedSecElec Block

<ParticleSource rightSecondaryEmitter>
  kind = userDefinedSecElec
  yieldDataFile = userIonIndSEY.dat
  ptclAbsorber = rightAbsorber
  direction = [1. 0. 0.]
  material = copper
  secondarySpecies = electrons