Works with VSimBase, VSimEM, VSimPD, VSimPA, and VSimMD licenses.
This particle sink creates a region similar to
, however the particles’ data are also written to a file. TheabsSaveDump
is useful for writing all the particle data into an array. However, if you really want to output the values of a single coordinate (i.e. the x position, or the y-momentum) of the particles that cross into a particle sink, you can use the History feature instead.The
particle sink has the additional feature that those particles are saved to a file. The saved output file can then be used outside of VSim as input to another program. OriginallyabsSaveDump
was used to make a file record of particles crossing a surface, so that those particles could be used as input for a particle mapping program.The saved particle information is, with one exception, in the standard VSim particle dump format: position (or displacement), followed by momentum then other variables such as the weight. The exception is that the displacement in the direction perpendicular to the sink surface is instead given as the time at which the particle crossed into the sink region, for example: (t, x2, x3, p1, p2, p3, weight). All values are given as differences relative to the first dumped particle, which acts as a reference particle.
As in the case of the
particle sink, you can specify whether particles are actually absorbed or just dumped by settingremovePtclFlag = 0
in the input file.
minDim (integer)
Minimum dimensionality for which this sink is applicable (1, 2, or 3).
lowerBounds (integer vector)
Gives lower bounds of the particle sink in cell indices.
upperBounds (integer vector)
Gives upper bounds of the particle sink in cell indices.
fluxSpeciesDumpName (string)
Sets the name of the HDF5 dataset which the flux emitter class will read in. Also sets part of the file name to be read in. The default is the name of the species (given in the species block header) plus flux. The default value serves for most purposes.
useRunNameAsPrefix (integer)
If 1
, the flux files dumped by the sink will be of form
<runName><fluxSpeciesDumpName>_<#>.h5. If 0
, the flux files
dumped by the sink will be of form <fluxSpeciesDumpName>_<#>.h5
independentDumpIndicing (string, default = 0)
Determines whether to use the same dump index as the rest of Vorpal or
set an independent dump index. Allowed values are 0
.The default value is 0
, which causes the global Vorpal dump
index to be used. Use a different index if you want to sequence the
resulting files separately for use by an external program. For example,
if the simulation dump name is test2
, the default flux file dumped by an
sink within a species named electrons
will be called
<ParticleSink redElecSwSwitchAbsorber>
kind = absSaveDump
# Bounds specified
lowerBounds = [20 0 0]
upperBounds = [21 20 20]
minDim = 1
# base name of dump files
fluxSpeciesDumpName = redElectronsFlux
# Whether to use global Vorpal dump index
independentDumpIndicing = 1
# Set whether particles should be removed (absorbed)
# after being recorded
#doNotRemoveParticlesFlag = 1