

Works with VSimBase, VSimEM, VSimPD, VSimPA, and VSimMD licenses.

MultiField updater that applies a mathematical operation on two scalars (A1 and A2) specified through the readScalars parameter, and writes the result to the writeScalars parameter.

scalarBinOpUpdater Parameters

The scalarBinOpUpdater takes the following parameters:

readScalars (required string vector)

A vector of the names of the two scalars on which to operate.

writeScalars (required string vector)

A vector containing a single element, the name of scalar to update.

binOp (required string)

Operation to apply to the scalars; one of add, subtract, multiply or divide. Operations are:

add:      (aCoeff*A1)+(bCoeff*A2)
subtract: (aCoeff*A1)-(bCoeff*A2)
multiply: (aCoeff+A1)*(bCoeff+A2)
divide:   (aCoeff+A1)/(bCoeff+A2)
aCoeff (optional float)

Coefficient for first scalar (A1, as described above). Default values:

add:      1.0
subtract: 1.0
multiply: 0.0
divide:   0.0
bCoeff (optional float)

Coefficient for second scalar (A2, as described above). Default values:

add:      1.0
subtract: 1.0
multiply: 0.0
divide:   0.0

Example scalarBinOpUpdater Block

<Updater scalarAdd>
  kind = scalarBinOpUpdater
  binOp = add
  readScalars = [A1 A2]
  writeScalars = [A2]
  aCoeff = 1.5
  bCoeff = 0.5