

Works with VSimEM, VSimPD, and VSimMD licenses.

Allows for outgoing waves on a Yee grid. This is only allowable as a boundary condition on the domain boundary.

open Parameters

The open MultiField updater takes the lowerBounds and upperBounds parameters of FieldUpdater, as well as the local region modification parameters. In addition, open takes the following parameters:

readFields (required string vector)

A vector containing a single element, the name of the magnetic field to use in the open boundary comdition.

writeFields (required string vector)

A vector containing a single element, the name of the electric field to update with appropriate values for an open boundary.

component (required integer)

The component of the electric field to update.

velOverC (required float)

Ratio of the wave velocity to the speed of light. velOverC can be negative to specify direction of propagation.

normalDir (optional integer)

Propagation axis of the outgoing wave. If normalDir is not specified, Vorpal assumes that the axis will be the first simulated direction with an upper bound 1 greater than the lower bound.

STFunc (required parameter block)

A parameter block of type STFunc (with any name) must be specified. This describes the anticipated functional form of the outgoing wave.

Example open Block

<FieldMultiUpdater leftOpenBC>
  lowerBounds = [0 -1 -1]
  upperBounds = [1   $YSIZE+1$   $ZSIZE+1$]
  readFields = [MagMultiField]
  writeFields = [ElecMultiField]
  components = [1 2]
  velOverC = -1.0
  <STFunc function>
    kind = expression
    expression = AMP * sin(OMEGA * t)