

Works with VSimEM and VSimMD licenses.

Multifield updater that is used to describe linear plasma dielectric model for cold plasma. To use this updater, readFields should always have a background magnetic field defined in the MultiField block. Also, if damping is used the damping fields need to be added to readFields. In the update step, the nodal electric field must be specified in the messageFields parameter.

linPlasDielcUpdater Parameters

The linPlasDielcUpdater takes the lowerBounds and upperBounds parameters of FieldUpdater, as well as the following parameters:

nspecies (required integer)

An integer value that defines the number of species (e.g., 2 might refer to Krypton ions and electrons).

massNumbers (required float vector)

A vector of floating point values that defines the mass of the species. See the example block for common mass numbers.

chargeNumbers (required float vector)

A vector of floating point values that defines the charge of the species.

includeDamping (optional integer, default = 0 (false))

Defines whether damping on the simulation will be used.

readFields (required string vector)

The names of the fields to use in this update: The background magnetic field, of offset none, a particle density field for each species, also of offset none, and if damping is included, a damping coefficient for each species.

writeFields (required string vector)

The fields to update: An electric field, of offset none, and a three-component current field for each species, also of offset none.

Example linPlasDielcUpdater Block

<FieldUpdater  plasmaDielectric>
    kind = linPlasDielcUpdater
    lowerBounds = [0 0 0]
    upperBounds = [NX1 NY1 NZ1]
    nspecies = 2
    # common mass numbers: e=0.5486e-3, He=4.00, N=14.00, Ne=20.18, Ar=39.95, Kr=83.80
    massNumbers = [83.80  0.5486e-3]
    chargeNumbers = [1.0  -1.0]
    includeDamping = 0
    readFields = [B0  density0ion1  density0electron]
    writeFields = [nodalE  linearJion1  linearJelectron]