
This macro file can be imported to an input file with

$ import stfuncs

It is always imported by VSim at the top level.

This macro file is available to all packages.

This macro file defines the macros for adding shapes of different materials.

Public Macros

addGaussianPulseSTFuncBlock(stName, omega, k0, k1, k2, amplitude, phase, origin0, origin1, origin2, widths0, widths1, widths2, vg, waistDisplacement, L_fwhm, keepon)

This macro adds a block with all of the parameters and arguments necessary for a built-in Gaussian pulse. See gaussianPulse for explanation of the options.

Parameters:blah – The blah param.
addChirpWavePulseSTFuncBlock(stName, chirp, k0, k1, k2, amplitude, phase, origin0, origin1, origin2, widths0, widths1, widths2, vg, waistDisplacement, skewness, keepon)

This macro adds a block with all of the parameters and arguments necessary for a built-in Chirp Wave pulse. See chirpWavePulse for explanation of the options.

addCosineFlattopSTFuncBlock(stName, startPosition, startFlattop, endPosition, endFlattop, startAmplitude, endAmplitude, flattopAmplitude, direction)

This macro adds a block with all of the parameters and arguments necessary for a built-in Cosine Flattop function. See cosineFlattop for explanation of the options.

addCosineRampSTFuncBlock(stName, startPosition, endPosition, startAmplitude, endAmplitude, direction)

This macro adds a block with all of the parameters and arguments necessary for a built-in Cosine Ramp function. See cosineRamp for explanation of the options.

addFeedbackSTFuncBlock(stName, stFuncExpression, historyName, historyGoal, timeConstant)

This macro adds a block with all of the parameters and arguments necessary for a built-in Feedback function. See feedbackSTFunc for explanation of the options.

addGaussianSTFuncBlock(stName, amplitude, origin0, origin1, origin2, widths0, widths1, widths2, velocity0, velocity1, velocity2)

This macro adds a block with all of the parameters and arguments necessary for a built-in Gaussian function. See gaussian for explanation of the options.

addHalfSinePulseSTFuncBlock(stName, omega, k0, k1, k2, amplitude, phase, origin0, origin1, origin2, widths0, widths1, widths2, vg, waistDisplacement, skewness, keepon)

This macro adds a block with all of the parameters and arguments necessary for a built-in Half Sine pulse. See halfSinePulse for explanation of the options.

addLeakyChannelSTFuncBlock(stName, channelPosition0, channelPosition1, channelPosition2, maxRadius, maxParabRadius, centerAmplitude, quadCoef, expanFunc, direction)

This macro adds a block with all of the parameters and arguments necessary for a built-in Leaky Channel function. See leakychannel for explanation of the options.

addPlaneWavePulseSTFuncBlock(stName, omega, k0, k1, k2, amplitude, phase, origin0, origin1, origin2, widths0, widths1, widths2, vg, skewness, keepon)

This macro adds a block with all of the parameters and arguments necessary for a built-in Plane Wave pulse. See planeWavePulse for explanation of the options.

addRadialCosineChannelSTFuncBlock(stName, channelPosition, startRadius, endRadius, startAmplitude, endAmplitude, direction)

This macro adds a block with all of the parameters and arguments necessary for a built-in Radial Cosine Channel function. See radialCosChannel for explanation of the options.

addSinePlaneWaveSTFuncBlock(stName, omega, k0, k1, k2, amplitude, phase)

This macro adds a block with all of the parameters and arguments necessary for a built-in Sine Plane Wave function. See sinePlaneWave for explanation of the options.

addSumFunctionSTFuncBlock(stName, sumName1, sumName2)

This macro adds a block with all of the parameters and arguments necessary for a built-in Sum function. See sumFunc for explanation of the options.

addProductFunctionSTFuncBlock(stName, prodName1, prodName2)

This macro adds two blocks with all of the parameters and arguments necessary for a built-in Multifunc product function. See multFunc for explanation of the options.