
This macro file can be imported to an input file with

$ import fluids

It is imported by VSim whenever a simulation contains particles.

This macro file is available to all packages.

This macro file defines macros for adding fluids that particles can collide off of.

Public Macros

addNeutralGas(name, gasKind, gasDensity, gasTemp, isvar, lc, uc)

Add a fluid block to the simulation. Adds to the fluid blocks accumulation variables and adds to accumulation variables for parameters like excitation and ionization thresholds for use in other blocks

  • name – The name of the fluid block.
  • gasKind – The kind of neutral gas. Typically the symbol for elemental fluids, e.g. Xe for xenon.
  • gasDensity – The function or numerical value for the initial density.
  • gasTemp – The neutral gas temperature.
  • isvar – Whether the initial density is a spatially dependent expression, f(x,y,z), or a constant value (amplitude).
  • lc – The lower coordinates of the fluid location. Real array of length VPM_NDIM.
  • uc – The upper coordinates of the fluid location. Real array of length VPM_NDIM.