

Block for modeling curved surfaces as Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) objects. This allows complex shapes to be created by combining geometry primitives with the three operations of union, difference and intersections. This is primarily for creating geometries to use with the GridBoundary block to create complex boundaries.


The name of the STRgn block defined can only be set to “region” (see example below). If there are multiple nested STRgn blocks, only the first STRgn block must be named “region”.

Also see stRgnMask for information on using STRgn to assign properties of a fluid to an area or volume.

STRgn Example Block in a GridBoundary Block

<GridBoundary magTestPillBox3DparaShortPecShapes>
  kind = rgnGridBndry
  calculateVolume = 1
  dmFrac = 0.5

  <STRgn region>  ##### block name must be 'region'
    kind = stFuncRgn
    <STFunc function>
      kind = expression
      expression = H(z-(0.5))*H((0.4)-z)*H(0.4^2-x^2-y^2)