

Works with VSimBase, VSimEM, VSimPD, VSimPA, and VSimMD licenses.

This history does a unary operation on one history. The operation is performed at every time step. Resulting values are recorded by this history. Available unary operation is sum.

unaryOperation Parameters

The unaryOperation takes the following parameters:

history (required string)

The names of the history for which the operation should be performed.

coeff (optional float)

A float number specifying the coefficient for the unary operation. It defaults to 1.

operation (required string)

Operation to apply to the history. Only sum is available at this stage. It is defined as

sum:       sum (coeff * history)

unaryOperation History Example

<History NtransSum>
  kind = unaryOperation
  history = Ntrans
  coeff = 1.0
  operation = sum