

Works with VSimBase, VSimEM, VSimPD, VSimPA, and VSimMD licenses.

Incidates Vorpal should record the value of a specified field and take the time average. timeAverage require both a history parameter and a timeWindow parameter. This history time averages the output, in the form of a field, from another history.

timeAverage Parameters

history (string, required)

Indicates the history to reference whose output is to be time averaged.

timeWindow (float, required)

Specifies the time duration to average over.

timeAverage History Example

<History timeAvePseudo>
    kind = timeAverage
    history = potential
    timeWindow = $10*DT$

Finally, a history must be defined which computes the quantity which is to be time averaged. In the example below, a pseudoPotential history is used that defines the potential by integration of the electric field along a line.

<History potential>
        kind = pseudoPotential
        field = varEmField.ElecMultiField
        referencePoint = [$NX/2$ 0 $NZ/2$]
        measurePoint  = [$NX/2$ NY $NZ/2$]