Works with VSimBase, VSimEM, VSimPD, VSimPA, and VSimMD licenses.
Indicates Vorpal should perform the diagnostic activity of tracking any grid field along a circle. The fieldOnSemiCircle diagnostic dumps the E or B field along a circle at equally spaced points. At each point the field will be interpolated from values in neighboring cells. fieldOnSemiCircle can be used for 2D or 3D simulations. The circle is defined by its center, normal (vector) and radius. In 2D simulations, the circle lies in the X-Y plane and a normal should not be specified. If you specify a circle which extends outside the simulation domain, points along the circle which are outside the simulation domain will be ignored. Caution: if the circle has no points inside the simulation domain, an error is generated.
fields (string vector, required)
Indicates the fields for a History kind that reports data. User can specify multiple fields, but must specify at least one field. If multiple fields are specified, the values of each component of all these fields are recorded.
numComponents (integer, default value = 1)
Sets how many number of components of each field to record. By default, only the first component is recorded.
center (float vector, optional)
Sets the coordinate of the center of the circle. By default, the center of the simulation domain.
radius (float, optional)
Sets the radius of the circle. By default, one third the length of the smallest dimension.
normal (float vector, optional)
For 3D only, a vector which is perpendicular to the plane of the circle. By default this vector points in the z-direction, so default 3D circles will lie in an X-Y plane with constant z value.
numPts (integer, default value = 8)
Sets the number of equally spaced interpolation points around the circle. If the circle extends outside the simulation domain the number of values returned will be less than numPts.
<History fieldOnSemiCircle>
kind = fieldOnSemiCircle
fields = [multiField.elecField multiField.magField]
numComponents = 3