

Works with VSimBase, VSimEM, VSimPD, VSimPA, and VSimMD licenses.

Indicates Vorpal should calculate the total energy of fields listed in the fields parameter. fieldEnergy may have lowerBounds and upperBounds. By default, if you do not specify boundaries for fieldEnergy, Vorpal calculates the EM field energy of the entire simulation space.

fieldEnergy Parameters

lowerBounds (integer vector)

fieldEnergy may have lowerBounds and upperBounds to measure the field energy only in the region defined by lowerBounds/upperBounds. By default, if you do not specify boundaries for fieldEnergy, Vorpal calculates the field energy of the entire simulation space.

upperBounds (integer vector)

fieldEnergy may have lowerBounds and upperBounds to measure the field energy only in the region defined by lowerBounds/upperBounds. By default, if you do not specify boundaries for fieldEnergy, Vorpal calculates the field energy of the entire simulation space.

fields (string vector, required)

Indicates the fields for a History kind that reports data for a multiple fields. Depends on the following parameter singleField; the user must specify either one or two fields for energy calculation.

singleField (string, elecField or magField)

If singleField = elecField, a single electric field must be specified via fields. The energy of this electrostatic field is calculated and recorded.

If singleField = magField, a single magnetic field must be specified via fields. The energy of this magnetostatic field is calculated and recorded.

If singleField is not specified. The energy of electromagnetic field is calculated and recorded. Exactly two fields must be specified in the fields keyword. The first one is the electric field. The second one is the associated magnetic field.

fieldEnergy History Example

Using the standard two field option.

<History  myFieldEnergy>
    kind = fieldEnergy
    fields = [multiField.elecField  multiField.magField]

Using the single field option.

<History  ElecFieldEnergy>
    kind = fieldEnergy
    lowerBounds = [0 0 0]
    upperBounds = [NX/2 NY/2 NZ/2]
    singleField = elecField
    fields = [multiField.elecField]