

Works with VSimPD and VSimMD licenses.

FeedbackMeasured history objects are used to pass the measured history information (currents and fields for example) based on measured time dependent quantities. An example where the the measured current in outer boundaries is used for setting the particle emission current by which the net loss of particle currents at the boundaries are adjusted in the simulation domain. Also user has the option to add any value to measured history data.

To be deprecated in version 10. Instead, use scalars and feedbackDesired.


An STFunc of kind historyAsSTFunc must be defined to make use of a feedbackMeasured history.

Details of historyAsSTFunc and its parameters can be found in historyAsSTFunc.

Required feedbackMeasured Parameters


Points to another history.

addToMeasuredValue (optional, default = 0.)

Allows user to add a given value to the measured value from feedbackHist history.

feedbackMeasured History Example

<History feedbackMeasuredHistory>
  addToMeasuredValue = wallCurrent

Finally, a history must be defined which computes the measured value and supply that information to feedbackMeasured. In the example below, history of topWallElecCurrent is used that measures the electron current collected at the top wall.

<History topWallElecCurrent>
  kind = speciesCurrAbs
  species = [ electrons ]
  ptclAbsorbers = [ topWall ]