

The ComboEmField block combines other types of EmField descriptions defined within a simulation. For example, use ComboEmField to add a static functionally defined magnetic field to a dynamic electromagnetic field. Being able to combine different types of EmField descriptions is useful in the delta-f particle simulation method for adding in the background, varying electromagnetic field to the self-consistently generated electromagnetic field.

ComboEmField Parameters

kind (string)

Type of ComboEmField. Currently comboEmField is the only valid type.

comboEmField works with VSimBase, VSimEM, VSimMD, VSimPA, and VSimPD licenses.

emField1 (string)

User-defined EmField.

emField2 (string)

User-defined EmField.

dumpField (integer)

If non-zero, dump the values of the combined field into an HDF5 format output file.

hasB (option, default=false)

Flag to specify that the magnetic field (if present) will be used in the species update step.

needsRho (option, default=false)

Flag to specify that the charge density is to be used for update step.

needsJ (option, default=false)

Flag to specify that the current density is to be used for update step.

Example ComboEmField Block

<ComboEmField scaledEmSum>

See also