Multipacting, which is the resonant buildup of secondary electrons, is often a concern in microwave devices. Anytime there is an oscillating electromagnetic field across a gap between two surfaces there exists the possibility that for the right voltage across the gap a resonance condition will exist allowing the exponential buildup of secondary electrons. This example simulates multipacting growth in a spherical PEC cavity. The fundamental mode profile for the spherical PEC cavity is imported onto the VSim grid, then advanced in time by a single frequency time signal.
This simulation can be performed with the VSimMD or VSimPD license.
The Multipacting Growth Prescribed Fields example is accessed from within VSimComposer by the following actions:
All of the properties and values that create the
simulation are now available in the Setup Window as shown in
Fig. 438. You can
expand the tree elements and navigate through the various
properties, making any changes you desire. The right pane
shows a 3D view of the geometry, if any, as well as the grid,
if actively shown. To show or hide the grid, expand the Grid
element and select or deselect the box next to Grid
This example contains a number of Constants to allow for easy manipulation of the device. Those include:
SpaceTimeFunctions are used to create expressions defining the drive frequency and amplitude of the applied field.
The amplitude and frequency of this driving function is defined in Parameters:
CSG is used to create the spherical PEC cavity by subtracting sphere from a cube.
After performing the above actions, continue as follows:
After performing the above actions, continue as follows:
To view the field-scaling values at which mutipacting occurs, as shown in Fig. 440, use the following settings in Visualization Controls:
The overall trend in the number of electrons is that of an exponential growth with time at the correct field strengths that are controlled by the user’s power settings during the design of the device.
Try changing the parameters MODE_AMP and MODE_FREQ to see if one can take the simulation in and out of resonance.