Mode Loading, Photonic Waveguide, Unidirectional Mode Launcher, MAL, Guided Mode, Semiconductor
This example consists of a single, straight cylindrical fiber waveguide that is parallel to the x-axis and centered at the origin. The waveguide is surrounded by a background material with a greater permittivity. Matched Absorbing Layers (MALs) are used to dampen the E and B fields near the boundary of the simulation. This is a way to dampen reflected fields from the simulation boundaries.
The fundamental guided mode is launched in the waveguide. The fundamental mode was extracted in the “Multimode Fiber Mode Calculation” example using the analyzer. A sample mode comes with this example saved in the file save4Launch_EigenD_0.vsh5, but this can be replaced another mode from the mode calculation example if the user desires. We take the field profile from the save4Launch_EigenD_0.vsh5 file and then apply time dependence via a SpaceTimeFunction, timeCompSingleFrequency. By launching the true eigenmode into the waveguide we should minimize losses and see a constant field profile.
This simulation can be performed with a VSimEM license.
This example can be accessed from within VSimComposer through the following steps:
Some relevant parameters should now be visible as seen in Fig. 288.
This example contains a number of constants defined in the Multimode Fiber Mode Calculation example. These constants should not be modified if you wish to launch a true eigenmode. Some relevant constants that could be modified are listed below.
RESOLUTION_X: The number of cells per estimated wavelength in the propagation (x) direction.
CFL_NUMBER: The time step, DT, will be this value times the limit for numerical stability.
To expose more variables and see the geometries, boundary conditions, and fields, select View Input File. From here you can see the modifications made to import the eigenmode from the .vsh5 file. The modifications are clearly set apart with rows of equal signs as seen in Fig. 289.
The variables NBGNX_SOURCE, NENDX_SOURCE, NBGNYZ_SOURCE, and NENDYZ_SOURCE define where the source is located in integer grid cells. This should likely correspond to the location you specified when running the analyzer. To ensure the source is aligned with the fiber, we recommend using the same grid for mode extraction and mode launching and then defining the aforementioned variables as is seen in the input file.
The D field in the specified source location depends spatially on the imported mode and temporally on the expression timeCompSingleFrequency, which drives the mode at its respective frequency for a length of time, TIME_EXCITE. In photonics simulations, Matched Absorbing Layers (MALs) are the most stable boundary conditions for limiting reflections.
After performing the above actions, continue as follows:
Then proceed to the Visualize window by pressing the Visualize button in the left column.
A useful visualization of the dielectric waveguide would be to view the magnitude of the D field to qualitatively see the mode propagate down the waveguide.
Your screen should resemble Fig. 291. Indeed, the mode launch is quite clean! To see what happens at the end of the fiber slide the dump slider further.
One can experiment by changing constants or introducing a different signal to drive the waveguide and note the effects on loss or propagation.
One could also choose a different mode generated by the Multimode Fiber Mode Calculation example and launch that.