

This is a particle source that will emit already existing particles as a different particle species. Must be coupled with a particle absorber from the source species.

This kind of particle source is available with a VSimPA license.

switchSpeciesSrc Parameters

switchSpecies (string)

Species to which the particles will be switched.

ptclAbsorber (string)

Name of the particle absorber from the source species. Particles that impact this absorber will be switched to the species defined in switchSpecies.

minDim (integer)

Bracketed times for when the source/emitter will generate particles.

Example Particle Source of Kind switchSpeciesSrc

<ParticleSource beamElectronsSwitchEmitter>
  kind = switchSpeciesSrc
  switchSpecies = ElectronBeam
  ptclAbsorber = beamElectronsSwitchAbsorber
  minDim = 1