
bitRevDensSrc (deprecated in 8.0)


This source has been deprecated. Please use the xvLoaderEmitter kind with the bitRevSlabPosGen PositionGenerator instead.

This particle source loads particles in a random distribution based on a bit-reversed algorithm. The number of particles specified may not be what is obtained, as the random number generation process will only get close to the right number on each processor.

This particle source works with all VSim licenses.

bitRevDensSrc Parameters

density (double)

Positive value describing the density of the particles.

lowerBounds (double vector)

Lower bound (expressed in physical units, not grid units) of the physical extent of the source.

upperBounds (double vector)

Upper bound (expressed in physical units, not grid units) of the physical extent of the source.

velocitySequence_0 (NAFunc)

A sequence of initial velocities for the particles must be specified, in up to three orthogonal directions in the velocity space. Individual velocity sequences can be specified using an NAFunc; different methods for their specification are described in the NAFunc Block documentation.

velocitySequence_1 (NAFunc)

A sequence of initial velocities for the particles must be specified, in up to three orthogonal directions in the velocity space. Individual velocity sequences can be specified using an NAFunc; different methods for their specification are described in the NAFunc Block documentation.

velocitySequence_2 (NAFunc)

A sequence of initial velocities for the particles must be specified, in up to three orthogonal directions in the velocity space. Individual velocity sequences can be specified using an NAFunc; different methods for their specification are described in the NAFunc Block documentation.

velocitySequence_3 (NAFunc)

If variable-weight particles are used, the initial distribution of particle weights can also be specified using an NAFunc. See NAFunc Block for details.

Example bitRevDensSrc Block

<ParticleSource rampSrc>
   kind = bitRevDensSrc
   density = DENSITY
   lowerBounds = [X_LEFT_WALL 0. 0.]
   upperBounds = [X_RIGHT_WALL LY LZ]

# Particle distribution uniform over initial phase space
 <NAFunc velocitySequence_0>
   kind = randGauss
   mean = 0.
   sigma = VEL_500K
 <NAFunc velocitySequence_1>
   kind = randGauss
   mean = 0.
   sigma = VEL_500K
 <NAFunc velocitySequence_2>
   kind = randGauss
   mean = 0.
   sigma = VEL_500K
 <NAFunc velocitySequence_3>
   kind = randExp
   mean = 1.
