
Works with VSimEM license.

This FieldUpdater sets the inverse permittivity to multiple gridBoundary shapes.

multiDielectricUpdater Parameters

The multiDielectricUpdater takes the lowerBounds and upperBounds parameters of FieldUpdater, as well as the following parameters:

permittivityField (required string)

The name of the vector field to write the inverse permittivity to.

backgroundPermittivity (required float)

The value of the permittivity for all other space that is not given in a DielectricShape block.

DielectricShape (optional block)

Any number of DielectricShape blocks may be included. These blocks allow for setting the permittivity inside a pre-defined GridBoundary. If GridBoundaries specified in multiple DielectricShape blocks overlap, the permittivity in the last such block is used; thus later blocks overwrite earlier ones. The parameters of a DielectricShape block are described in DielectricShape Block.

multiDielectricUpdater Example

<FieldUpdater setInvEps>
  kind = multiDielectricUpdater
  lowerBounds = [0  0  0]
  upperBounds = [46  51  51]
  permittivityField = invEps

  <DielectricShape cylinder0Unionsphere0Shape>
    boundary = cylinder0Unionsphere0
    permittivity = 9.9

  <DielectricShape cube0Minuscylinder00Shape>
    boundary = cube0Minuscylinder00
    permittivity = 9.0

  backgroundPermittivity = 1.0