

Works with XSimBase license.

Updater that stores field values in of the field.

Histories of kind=fieldSlabCrossDev record field values in the slab defined. It does so quite efficiently, as it can store the data in parallel with values contributed by each rank contributing the values that belong to it. It is best when working with large slabs.

This is more efficient than a kind = fieldArray, but lacks some of the functionality that a Tensor History provides and can be advantageous when working with small slabs.

FieldSlabCrossDev Parameters

field (string, required)

The name of the <Field> for which to record values (the field name may need to be qualified: e.g., myEmField.yeeE instead of just yeeE).

lowerBounds (vectors of integers, required)

The lower bounds of the field values.

upperBounds (vectors of integers, required)

The upper bounds of the field values. As usual in XSim, the range is exclusive of the upper bound.

components (vector of integers, required)

The components of the field to be recorded; e.g., components = [0 1 2] to record all components of a 3-vector field, or components = [0] to store just the x-component.

squeezeDump (boolean, optional)

This will remove dimensions of length-one from the history in the dump file. It should be set to 0 or 1 - has no effect if enabled and there are no length-one dimensions. If not specified, default is 0.

FieldSlabCrossDev Usage Notes

History can be used as a field at indices history that is 1D and will be plottable as a time trace in the history visualization. To do this, make sure the lowerBounds and upperBounds specify a slab that is 1 in length in all dimensions, and enable squeezeDump.

Example FieldSlabCrossDev block

<History EzUpperY>
  kind = fieldSlabCrossDev
  field = multiField.E
  components = [2]
  lowerBounds = [5 105 5]
  upperBounds = [246 107 65]
  squeezeDump = 0

  <Expression applySteps>
    expression = (n>=3834)*(n<5701)





FieldSlabCrossDev was introduced in XSim 1.0