

Works with XSimBase license.

Indicates XSim should calculate the electrical energy, magnetic energy, or total energy of the electromagnetic fields listed in the fields parameter.

FieldEnergyCrossDev Parameters

fields (string vector, optional)

This should be the fields for which the energy is to be calculated. For electromagnetic energy, this should be [E B].

field (string, optional)

For electric energy, this should just be the name of the electric field in the simulation. For magnetic energy, this should just be the name of the magnetic field in the simulation.

singleField (string, optional)

If the field is supplied, then this must also be provided to indicate whether the field is E or B. For E, this should be elecField and for B this should be magField.


Defines a lower bounds for the energy calcluation region.


Defines an upper bounds for the energy calcluation region. As usual in XSim, the range is exclusive of the upper bound.

energyThreshold (float, optional)

This is an energy that if the history region at some point contains more energy than this value and then later falls below it, the simulation will automatically stop. Units are Joules.

energyThresholdFrac (float, optional)

This is an energy fraction that enables an automatic halt of the simulation if the current energy in the history bounds is below the specified fraction to the maximum value throughout time. For example, if this value is set to 0.001, the simulation starts at 0 energy, rises to 200 Joules at some point, and then falls down to 0.2 Joules, it would automatically stop.

FieldEnergyCrossDev Usage Notes

Either field or fields should be specified, not both.

Example FieldEnergyCrossDev block

<History myFieldEnergy>
  kind = fieldEnergyCrossDev
  fields = [E  B]
  energyThresholdFrac = 1e-5




FieldEnergyCrossDev was introduced in XSim 1.0