Secondary electrons can be emitted from a electron species, charged particle species, or neutral particle species. They can then be emitted into a separate electron species, or into the same electron species.
emitter type
- secondary electron emitter
This emitter is for use on simulation boundaries. An instance of secElec, follow the link for more information.
- particle boundary condition
The particle boundary condition to emit secondary electrons from. It must be of the type Boundary Absorb and Save or Cut-Cell Absorb and Save. If selected as a particle boundary condition of a different species, particles from that species will emit into the electron species.
- material
The material for computing the secondary electron yield. One of either “copper” or “stainless”.
- suppression energy
Suppress emission of secondary electrons unless the emitted energy is greater than this number (in eV). Useful if electrons are emitted in a region where the local electric field would push them back into the wall in the same time step. In this case, set to a large number.
- interior secondary electron emitter
This emitter is for use with particle boundary conditions internal to the simulation space. An instance of secElec, follow the link for more information. Unless the emission boundary is a plane, it is recommended to use a
secondary electron emitter
- particle boundary condition
The particle boundary condition to emit secondary electrons from. It must be of the type Interior Absorb and Save. It can be from a different particle species, which will cause incident particles of that species to sputter as the neutral particle species.
- material
The material for computing the secondary electron yield. One of “copper” or “stainless”.
- suppression energy
Suppress emission of secondary electrons unless the emitted energy is greater than this number (in eV). Useful if electrons are emitted in a region where the local electric field would push them back into the wall in the same time step. In this case, set to a large number.
- emission axis
Specifies the direction of the outward-facing normal direction of the emitter. Options are: 0 for the x direction (in cartesian, z in cylindrical); 1 for the y direction (R in cylindrical); and 2 for the z direction.
- emission direction
An option to flip the sign of the normal direction. Choosing positive will make the emission in the positive x, y, or z direction, and a choice of negative will result in emission in the negative x, y, or z direction.
- emission coordinate
The absolute position of the emission plane with respect to zero.
- simple secondary electron emitter
A secondary emitter that at most emits a single secondary electron macroparticle. An instance of simpleSec, follow the link for more information.
- particle boundary condition
The particle boundary condition to emit secondary electrons from. It must be of the type Boundary Absorb and Save or Cut-Cell Absorb and Save. If selected as a particle boundary condition of a different species, particles from that species will emit into the electron species.
- suppression energy
Suppress emission of secondary electrons unless the emitted energy is greater than this number (in eV). Useful if electrons are emitted in a region where the local electric field would push them back into the wall in the same time step. In this case, set to a large number.
- emitted energy
The energy of the emitted electrons if constant weight particles are used.
- SEY(E)
A function that defines the SEY curve. This function should be a function of only x, where x gets interpreted as the impact energy of the impacting electron.
- constant probability secondary electron emitter
This emitter will emit secondary electrons according to a user defined probability. An instance of secElec, follow the link for more information.
- particle boundary condition
The particle boundary condition to emit secondary electrons from. It must be of the type Boundary Absorb and Save or Cut-Cell Absorb and Save.
- emission probability
The probability that a secondary electron is emitted, between 0.0 and 1.0.