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Charged Particles

Charged Particles can be used to define any kinetic particle with given mass and charge.

To add Charged Particles, right click on the “KineticParticles” element, hover over the “Add ParticleSpecies” and choose “Charged Particles”.

kind (not editable)
Charged Particles
nominal density
A positive value suggesting the nominal density for the particles. This will be used in conjunction with the weight setting to compute the density, weights, and number of particles in a macro particle for your kinetic particles.
A space to provide a descriptive comment for the particle species.
particle dynamics

Whether to use relativistic or non-relativistic particles.

  • relativistic: Use the relativistic particle pushing algorithm to update the particle positions and velocities by including a gamma term.
  • non-relativistic: Use the non-relativistic particle pushing algorithm to update the particle positions and velocities.
particle weights

Whether to use constant or variable weight particles.

  • variable weights: The weights of the macroparticles can vary throughout the simulation.

  • constant weights: The weights of the macroparticles are constant throughout the simulation.

  • managed weights: Variable weight particles that are managed to allow for maximum and minimum weights, and maximum and minimum number of macroparticles per cell.

    macroparticles per cell for splitting

    If more than this many macroparticles are in a cell splitting will not occur.

    macroparticles per cell for combining

    If fewer than this many macroparticles are in a cell combining will not occur.

    minimum split particle weight

    If the split particles would weigh under this value, splitting will not occur.

    maximum combined particle weight

    If the combined particle would weigh over this value, combination will not occur.

    splitting periodicity

    Number of time steps between assessing if particles should be split.

    combining periodicity (not editable)

    Number of time steps between assessing if particles should be combined.

    splitting algorithm

    Algorithm to use in determining split particle weights.

    combining algorithm

    Algorithm to use in determining combined particle weights.

weight setting

Whether to use computed weights or explicitly set weights.

  • computed weights:

    Let VSim calculate your macroparticle weights for you based on the number of macroparticles per cell you specify as well as the nominal density. The weights are calculated such that the number of particles in a macro particle is equal to the nominalDensity * cellVolume / macroparticles per cell.

    macroparticles per cell: The number of macroparticles per cell.

  • explicitly set weights:

    Declare the number of particles in a macro particle explicitly.

    particles per macroparticle: The number of particles in a macroparticle.


Molecule of the charged particle. A custom ion is available for those not pre-defined.

  • mass [amu]
    The mass of a single real particle in atomic mass units.
  • charge number
    The charge number of a single particle, multiple of the fundamental charge.
  • ionization energy [eV]
    The ionization energy of the molecule in electron volts. This value will be used by particle interactions set thresholds and determine energy losses.