

Works with VSimBase, VSimEM, VSimPD, VSimPA, and VSimMD licenses.

This particle sink reflects particles with velocity taken from thermal distribution.

diffuseBndry Parameters

minDim (integer)

Minimum dimensionality for which this sink is applicable (1, 2, or 3).

lowerBounds (integer vector)

Gives lower bounds of the particle sink in cell indices.

upperBounds (integer vector)

Gives upper bounds of the particle sink in cell indices.

direction (double vector)

Inward normal from the reflecting surface.

surface (string)

Physical location of the reflecting surface.

vsig (double vector)

Thermal velocities at the boundary.

acc (float)

The thermal accommodation coefficient.

useObliqueReflection (integer)

A flag, if set sink will work with oblique boundaries.

diffuseBndry Example Block

<ParticleSink rightplate>
  kind = diffuseBndry
  direction = [1. 0. 0.]
  surface = X_RIGHT_WALL
  vsig = [VEL_373K VEL_373K VEL_373K]
  lowerBounds = [$NX-NX_SINK$   -1   -1]
  upperBounds = [$NX+1$ NY_P NZ_P]