

Works with VSimBase, VSimEM, VSimPD, VSimPA, and VSimMD licenses.

Indicates Vorpal should track the particle data (positions and internal variables) on a plane (3D), or a line (2D), perpendicular to one of the Cartesian axes and that can be moving along this axis.

speciesDataOnPlane Parameters

species (string vector, required)

Indicates particle species type for a History kind that reports data for particle species.

dir (integer, default value = 0)

Direction in which the plane (or line) is moving. 0: x, 1: y, 2: z.

initialPlanePos (float, required)

Location, on the dir axis, of the plane (or line) at t=0.

planeVelocity (float, required)

Velocity of the plane (or line), in m/s, along the dir axis.

speciesDataOnPlane Particle Species History Example

<History ptclOnPlane>
    kind = speciesDataOnPlane
    initialPlanePos = PLANE_POS
    planeVelocity = -VX_BOOST
    species = [electrons]