Works with VSimEM license.
This block is required when using a multiDielectricUpdater. The block sets the permittivity to a specified GridBoundary.
Parametersboundary (required string)
The name of the GridBoundary to which to set the permittivity to.
permittivity (optional float, default = 1.0)
The value of the permittivity within the specified boundary
isFlipped (optional int, default = true)
Whether the boundary interior is flipped.
Example<FieldUpdater setInvEps>
kind = multiDielectricUpdater
lowerBounds = [0 0 0]
upperBounds = [46 51 51]
permittivityField = invEps
<DielectricShape cylinder0Unionsphere0Shape>
boundary = cylinder0Unionsphere0
permittivity = 9.9
<DielectricShape cube0Minuscylinder00Shape>
boundary = cube0Minuscylinder00
permittivity = 9.0
backgroundPermittivity = 1.0