- switchSpeciesSrc
This is a particle source that will emit already existing particles as a different particle species. Must be coupled with a particle absorber from the source species.
This kind of particle source is available with a VSimPA license.
switchSpeciesSrc Parameters
- switchSpecies (string)
Species to which the particles will be switched.
- ptclAbsorber (string)
Name of the particle absorber from the source species. Particles that impact this absorber will be switched to the species defined in switchSpecies.
- minDim (integer)
Bracketed times for when the source/emitter will generate particles.
Example Particle Source of Kind switchSpeciesSrc
<ParticleSource beamElectronsSwitchEmitter>
kind = switchSpeciesSrc
switchSpecies = ElectronBeam
ptclAbsorber = beamElectronsSwitchAbsorber
minDim = 1