

This particle source reads in and emits particles for which one coordinate is given as a time of emission. It was previously used in conjunction with an absSaveDump particle absorber.

This particle source kind can be used with any VSim license.

fluxPtclEmitter Parameters

fluxSpeciesDumpName (string, required)

Sets the name of the HDF5 dataset which the flux emitter class will read in. Also sets part of the read-file name. Usually, this name will be the species name followed by the string Flux.

useRunNameAsPrefix (integer, default = 1 (true))

Denotes whether the standard Vorpal dump name, or run name, is expected to be prepended to the flux particle file names. Useful if the flux particle files were created by a simulation with a different output name.

emitDim (integer, default = 0)

The direction of emission. One of 0, 1, 2

emitPlaneLocation (float, default = 0.)

The physical location of the emission plane.

initialDumpIndex (integer)

The index of the flux particle file to start reading from.

fluxFileReadPeriod (integer, default = 0)

The number of time steps between reads.

emitDistanceShift (float, default = 0.)

Shift all the particles by this distance before loading.

relativeValueFlag (boolean, default = 1)

Whether relative values are used in the flux particle file or not.

removeFluxFilesAfterReadFlag (boolean, default = 0)

Set whether to remove the data files after reading them.

delaySteps (integer, default = 0)

Allow for delaying the entry of particles by delaySteps steps.

density (double)

Positive value describing the density of the particles.

applyPeriod (integer)

Positive value n, directing the simulation to apply the source at every nth time step. This option works only with emitter algorithms.

applyTimes (double vector)

Bracketed times for when the source/emitter will generate particles.

lowerBounds (double vector)

Lower bound (expressed in physical units, not grid units) of the physical extent of the source.

upperBounds (double vector)

Upper bound (expressed in physical units, not grid units) of the physical extent of the source.

doShiftLoad (integer, default = 0 (off))

For moving windows, move the particles with the windows.

vbar (double vector)

Average velocity of the particles in the x, y, and z directions.

vsig (double vector)

Positive value denoting the thermal velocity in the x, y, and z directions.

nomMacroPtclsPerStep (double)

A reference (nominal) number of macroparticles emitted from the entire emitter each time step.

seed (integer)

Specifies the seed for the random number generator. seed must be a positive integer.

Example fluxPtclEmitter Code Block

<ParticleSource leftYellowFluxEmitter>
 kind = fluxPtclEmitter
 fluxSpeciesDumpName = yellowElectronsFlux
 useRunNameAsPrefix = 0

 #initialDumpIndex = 0
 #fluxFileReadPeriod = 10
 removeFluxFilesAfterReadFlag = 0

 ##emitDistanceShift =-$NX_PML * DX$
 #  dataSetName = redElectronsFluxData
 #relativeValueFlag = 0

 emitDim = 0
 emitPlaneLocation = -0.15

 applyTimes = [0. 100000000000000.]


Notes on fluxPtclEmitter Particle Source

Use of a Vorpal simulation with the output base name test2 would result in Vorpal looking for a dump file whose name is prefixed by that base name such as:


If the base name is set and you set the fluxSpeciesDumpName parameter to a text string such as:


then, by default, Vorpal will look for a file whose name is prefixed by the concatenated base name and the string you have specified, such as:


However, if you set:

useRunNameAsPrefix  = 0

then Vorpal will use only the fluxSpeciesDumpName parameter string as the filename prefix like this:
