博爾德, 科羅拉多州 - 2016年8月26日:


TWSS 2016 議程

TWSS 2016 提供新的 VSim 使用者培訓、電磁 VSim 培訓和演示、微波設備 VSim、等離子放電 VSim 和等離子加速度 VSim 以及高級 VSim 用戶培訓。 此外,與往年一樣,Tech-X 將在週五提供用戶最喜愛的問題解決會議。


October 19, Wednesday morning:  New VSim User Training
October 19, Wednesday afternoon: Intermediate VSim User Training
October 20, Thursday: Application-specific VSim Topics TBD
October 21, Friday 9 am–2 pm: Individual Problem Solving and Consulting

TWSS 的最終議程將由註冊出席者的利益決定。

Tech-X 將提供清淡的點心和午餐。

參與者被要求提供自己的筆記型電腦。 建議的最低系統要求是:

  • 64 位視窗、Mac 或 Linux 作業系統
  • 支援 CUDA 的 Nvidia 顯卡(可選用於 GPU 加速)
  • 8 GB 的 RAM 或更多
  • 至少一個 2 核處理器 (4 核首選)*

*系統中的處理器內核和記憶體數量將決定在合理時間內可以處理的問題的大小。 雖然簡單的問題可以在最基本的系統上完成,但更有趣的問題可以在具有 2-4 核心和 8 GB RAM 的中等處理能力的系統上解決。

The 2016 Tech-X Worldwide Simulation Summit is being held in the university town of Boulder, Colorado.  Boulder is located at the foot of the scenic Rocky Mountains. Immediate access is available for outdoor adventure, including leisurely day hikes, mountain biking on local trails, and rock climbing.  In addition to Boulder area festivals and CU Boulder arts and cultural events, the metropolitan Denver area offers many concerts, shows, and attractions.

For more information about lodging, restaurants, and recreational activities to enjoy during your stay, please see the Boulder Comvention and Visitors Bureau website and list of hotels and accommodations.  While staying in Boulder, many of the conference attendees will be residing at the hotel closest to the Tech-X Summit venue, the Courtyard Marriott.

Register at https://2016twss.eventbrite.com. Please contact [email protected] with any questions regarding TWSS 2016.
