

Works with XSimBase license.

MultiField updater that calculates the volume averaged inverse epsilon field for the geometries in the system. The volume averaged method is nearly second order and requires an inverse epsilon field with six components.

InitVolAvgInvEpsCrossDev Parameters

The initVolAvgInvEpsCrossDev updater takes the lowerBounds and upperBounds, as well as the following parameters:

writeFields (required string vector)

Vector of strings pointing to the fields into which the inverse permittivity will be written. If a second string is provided and either conductivity or lossTangent/lossFrequency are specified, this will be filled with the loss factor for the dielectric needed in the lossy updaters.

backgroundPermittivity (optional float vector, default=[1.0])

Defines the permittivity tensor outside the shape (ie. the background). This can be defined as a single number for isotropic dielectrics. For anisotropic dielectrics, this can be three or six numbers with the numbers corresponding to: ::math::[epsilon_{xx} [epsilon_{yy} epsilon_{zz} [epsilon_{yz} epsilon_{zx} epsilon_{xy}]]]. Default is vacuum.

backgroundConductivity (optional float, default=0.0)

Background dielectric loss expressed as an isotropic conductivity.

backgroundLossTangent (optional float, default=0.0)

Background dielectric loss expressed as a loss tangent. Must be accompanied by backgroundLossFrequency attribute.

backgroundLossFrequency (optional float, default=0.0)

Frequency at which the background loss tangent applies for dielectric losses.

DielectricShape sub-block (optional sub-blocks)

Any number of these blocks can be provided. Each block needs a gridBoundary attribute, which is a string pointing to the name of the corresponding GridBoundaryCrossDev block. The permittivity specifies the permittivity of the geometry. Optional parameters for lossy dielectrics include: the conductivity, lossTangent, and lossFrequency. loss occurs.

InitVolAvgInvEpsCrossDev Usage Notes

Example InitVolAvgInvEpsCrossDev block

<FieldUpdater initInvEps>
  kind = initVolAvgInvEpsCrossDev
  lowerBounds = [0 0 0]
  upperBounds = [$NX+1$ $NY+1$ $NZ+1$]
  writeFields = [InvEps SigmaOverEps]
  backgroundPermittivity = [1.]
  backgroundConductivity = 0.
  <DielectricShape waveguide>
    gridBoundary = waveguideBoundary
    permittivity = [SILICON_EPSR]
    # conductivity = SILICON_COND
    lossTangent = SILICON_LOSSTAN
    lossFrequency = SILICON_FREQ




InitVolAvgInvEpsCrossDev was introduced in XSim 1.0.