

Works with XSimBase license.

MultiField updater for Cross Devices that multiplies each cell of a regularCrossDev field by a constant value.

constFuncCrossDev Parameters

The constFuncCrossDev updater takes the:

lowerBounds, upperBounds, lowerCoords, upperCoords, gridBndry, writeFields, and readFields parameters of FieldSlab updaters, as well as the following parameter:

amplitude (required float, default = 0.0)

The constant value by which to multiply the values of each cell in the field.

Example constFuncCrossDev block

<FieldUpdater zeroEtheta>
 kind = constFuncCrossDev
 lowerBounds = [ 0  -1  0]
 upperBounds = [ NZ 1 NZ ]
 writeComponents = [2]
 readFields = [eXd]
 writeFields = [eXd]
 amplitude = 0


constFuncCrossDev is available with


constFuncCrossDev was introduced in XSim 1.0.