

Works with XSimBase license.

Block to define any shapes in the simulation.

GridBoundaryFunc Parameters

The GridBoundary block takes the following parameters:

kind (required string)

Defines the type of grid boundary. Currently, the only option is kind = gridRgnBndryCrossDev.

dmFrac (optional float, default = 0.5)

The fractional edge length below which the fraction will be rounded down to zero.

overlap (required int vector)

The number of guard cells needed in the simulation

STFunc sub-block (required sub-block)

A sub-block representing a function that defines the geometry. This can have its own kind, and the valid choices are expression and signedDistToSurfaces.

GridBoundaryFunc Usage Notes

Example GridBoundaryFunc block

<GridBoundaryCrossDev sphere>

kind = gridRgnBndryCrossDev dmFrac = 0.5 overlap = [1 1] <STFunc function>

kind = expression expression = 0.1 - x^2 - y^2 - z^2






GridBoundaryFunc was introduced in XSim 1.0