
The Description element holds basic user-supplied text information about the simulation. Most of the parameters are most useful to advanced users who are creating and placing input files in the Examples directory of XSimComposer. The examples directory can be found in [VorpalInstallDirectory]\Contents\Examples.

description: This is the description given in the window on the right side in the examples window upon selecting an example.

image: The image parameter should give the name of a picture, located in the same directory as the input file, that will be given on the right-hand side of the Editor pane in the Setup tab for text-based setup. Frequently, this image is used to illustrate key parameters such as dimensions of a physical structure. 400 x 500 pixels is a good image size.

long description: This text block will be visible above the image in text-based setup. It’s generally used to give a description of what the simulation does, and what will happen when key parameters are modified.

short description: This string is the title of the example in the NewFrom Example selection. This also sets the title that appears at the top of the VSimComposer window when the simulation is open.

thumbnail: This is the small image that is visible when you select an example file, located in the same directory as the input file. 250 x 250 pixels is a good image size.

version: (not editable) The version of VSim used to create this example.