
This analysis script computes far field gain, and phase of Etheta and also calculated S-paramters.


The default values of this analyzer are set to match the default setup of the Antenna Array 2D simulation and its documentation.

This script prints out the S parameter of the excited element of the antenna array, as well as the S paramter of any of the non-excited elements (the non-excited element for this calculation is set in the simulation SETUP. Must be a 2D simulaton in the x-y plane, see XSimComposerEM example Antenna Array 2D.

-s <simname>, --simulationName=<simname>

(string, required)

<simname> is the name of the simulation to be analyzed. The file extension should NOT be included in this text field.

-dn <dnr>, --dumpNr=<dnr>

(string, required)

<dnr> is the dump number at which the electric field is read.

-n <nlambda>, --nlambda=<nlambda>

(string, required)

<nlambda> is the distance (radius) in factors of lambda from emission point at which the far field is measured. Note: must be within the domain and further than 2 lambda.

-d <gapwidth>, --gapWidth=<gapwidth>

(string, required)

<gapwidth> The length of the aperture in meters.

-c <center>, --center=<center>

(string, required)

<center> is the X & Y coordinate of the emission point. The Y coordinate should match the value of ZEND_METAL in the default setup. Note: the X coordinate will change if the excitation element is not on centered at x=0.

-dt <dt>, --dt=<dt>

(string, required)

<dt> is the timestep during both regular and the calibration run. This value is obtained from the Run Tab.

-f <freq>, --freq=<freq>

(string, required)

<freq> is the frequency of the waveguide in aperture.

-w, --overwrite


Whether a dataset or group should be overwritten if it already exists.


is script creates a text file with 5 columns. The first column is the theta direction in degrees, the second column is the analytical gain of the ISOLATED excited element in dB, the third column is the gain measured by XSim in dB, the fourth column is the analytical phase of the ISOLATED excited element in degrees, and the fith column is the phase measured by XSim in degrees. The name of the text file is SIMULATIONNAME_gainAndPhaseData.txt. The default values of this analyzer are set to match the default setup of the Antenna Array 2D simulation and its documentation. See the XSimEM example Antenna Array 2D for more information.