XSim on a Private Cloud Installation Instructions
These instructions are for setting up XSim to run on a single server as a “private cloud” serving any user that is able to log onto the Linux machine.
First, install XSim onto the Linux server. Here we assume that XSim is installed in the location
/usr/local/\ |PRODUCT_VER|\ /
You will want to make sure all user have execute permissions on the XSimComposer.sh script in this directory.
Next, install no machine from rpm. There is an automatic 30 day license, but a license will need to be purchased for production use. This command with install from the rpm:
rpm -Uvh nomachine*rpm
Edit the /usr/NX/etc/server.cfg file and set the following keys:
EnableWebMenuTutorial 0
EnableWebPreconfiguration 1
Copy the default nxweb custom config file to a new file that has the .nxs extension with the following command:
cp /usr/NX/share/config/default.nxs.sample /usr/NX/share/config/default.nxs
Edit /usr/NX/share/config/default.nxs and add the following to the end of the “General” section
<option key="Session" value="unix" />
<option key="Desktop" value="console" />
<option key="Custom Unix Desktop" value="application" />
<option key="Command line" value="/usr/local/\ |PRODUCT_VER|\ /\ |COMPOSER|\ .sh --topLeft --maxSize" />
Verify that /usr/NX/share/config/default.nxs is owned by nxhtd and permission is set to 700
If you chose to use a commercial SSL certificate, set SSLCertificateFile and SSLCertificateKeyFile to the path of certificate and key in /usr/NX/etc/htd.cfg
Start, Stop, or Restart the NoMachine server as follows:
systemctl start nxserver
systemctl stop nxserver
systemctl restart nxserver
In a web browser, go to https://hostname:4443 and verify that a user can login and that XSim loads automatically.