XSim Documentation
In addition to this PDF version of the XSim documentation, all of the documentation is accessible from within the XSimComposer interface, as well as online at the Tech-X web site, XSimDocumentation.
XSim Installation
XSim Installation Instructions guides the user through the installation process for XSim. Release notes are also provided in this document.
XSim User Guide
The “User Guide” manual contains comprehensive XSim documentation, including directions for running XSim from the command line support resources. When you are ready to create your own simulation, consult this document for in-depth information about XSim features.
XSim Examples
The “Example” manual provides numerous tutorials for both beginning and advanced XSim users.
XSim Customizaton
The “Customization” manual discusses macros and analyzers in futher detail, for users who would like a higher degree of customization in their simulations and postprocessing.
XSim Reference
The “Reference” manual is a quick-reference manual for XSim users to look up specific XSim features and code block syntax for use in editing a XSim input file.
Searching the Documentation
All documentation is available through the XSimComposer itself by clicking on the Help icon on the far left or by going to the top menu bar and selecting Help –> Help Contents.
The Search field in particular is a fast way to find terms and examples, and supports the following options:
Wildcard search
Use an asterisk * to represent a sequence of characters such that the term you entered can either be the whole or a part of the results displayed. For example:
Searching for "process*" will display "process" as well as results like "processes", "processing", etc.
Searching for "*process" will display "process" as well as results like "postprocess", "preprocess", etc.
Searching for "*process*" will display "process" as well as results like "preprocessed", "postprocessing", etc.
Omit words You can omit words in your search by putting a minus - sign in front of the word to omit. For example, typing "cylindrical-coordinates" would omit results that contain the word "coordinates", so your results would only include terms like "cylindrical capacitor", etc.
All searches are case insensitive.