

A FieldMultiUpdater block is similar to a FieldUpdater block, but always specifies multiple components of a field to update using the components parameter.

In some cases, the FieldMultiUpdater parameters correspond to the FieldUpdater block of the same kind, but with the components integer parameter replaced by the integer vector components. In that case, the FieldMultiUpdater creates as many occurances of the corresponding FieldUpdater as elements in the components parameter. For example, a FieldMultiUpdater with components equal to [0 1 2] creates three occurrences of the corresponding FieldUpdater. There will therefore be three update passes through the updated cells, one for each specified component. The cells updated in each pass may differ due to any global region modification parameters, or, if the updater has a region specification, depending on how that region is treated for each component.

The updater kind with corresponding FieldMultiUpdater blocks are:

There are also updates that can only be specified using FieldMultiUpdater. They are:

FieldMultiUpdater Parameters

All FieldMultiUpdater blocks take the lowerBounds and upperBounds parameters of FieldUpdater, as well as:

kind (required string)

Type of updater; one of:

components (required integer vector)

The components that should be updated.