This analyzer extracts and saves one or more field-at-a-point History from a field slab History. The time series that is extracted is interpolated to the specified point from cell that contains the point as well as neighboring cells, given the field offset. If a specified point is not contained in the slab it is skipped.

-s <simname>, --simulationName=<simname>

(string, required)

<simname> is the name of the simulation to be analyzed. The file extension should NOT be included in this text field.

-H, --history

(string, required)

The name of the slab History dataset

-p, --points

(string, required, default = (0,0,0))

A list of point coordinates at which to compute the field, in the format “(x1,y1,z1):(x2,y2,z2)”, where x,y,z are physical coordinates in meters. Each point is delimited by a colon.

-fo, --field_offset

(string, required, default = center)

The offset of the Yee Field. One of: center, node, edge, face.

-c, --component

(int, optional, default = 0)

The component of the field contained in the slab History time series.

-ic, --include_center


Whether to automatically include the center of the slab in the list of points.

-a, --include_all


Whether to write point Histories for every cell in the slab, including the center cell and any other specified points. This may write a large number of new datasets and affect analyzer performance.

-Z, --compMajorC


The indexing order for written datasets. If checked, use “compMajorC”. If unchecked, use the default “compMinorC”

-w, --overwrite


Whether a dataset or group should be overwritten if it already exists


This analyzer writes a VizSchema-compliant time series dataset to a new History dump file with the name <simname>_History.vsh5. The dataset name for each dataset is <slabHistoryName>_i0_i1_i2 where i0, i1, and i2 are the global cell indexes in the 0th, 1st, and 2nd dimension, respectively. For instance, if the point specified is in cell [18, 21, 19], and the slab History is named ExLowerX, then the time history dataset name will be ExLowerX_18_21_19. The number of points in the field-at-a-point time series is the same as the number of time points in the original slab History.